
112/05/17 [設計專題講座-瑞典] 從城市環境模擬工具促進當代都市的可持續性與韌性

Speaker: Dr. Anna Kaczorowska
Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering
Division of Architectural Theory and Methods
Chalmers University of Technology

TITLE: "Modelling Urban Environments to Promote Sustainability and Resilience in Contemporary Cities"

Date: Wednesday, May 17th 2023
Time: 12:10~14:10
Venue: 8F, 853 Hall, Design Building (設計館853演講廳)

Anna Kaczorowska is a researcher at Spatial Morphology Group /SmoG/ at Chalmers. She is an urban planner with a background in architecture and city planning. Her interest lies in understanding planning across scales (city-region) involving various dimensions of spatial analyses (existing conditions), and land use studies (models, scenarios, strategies) as well as urban policy (comprehensive plans). Her field of research has been mainly urban studies including decision support tools, ecosystem services and resilience science as well as transport studies. She believes that urban planning is an applied effort and related research must assist in practice.
